Preventing Pubic Lice in Public Spaces

While rare, pubic lice can also be contracted through items like dirty bed sheets, towels, and clothing or by coming into contact with a surface where pubic lice have been.

Sanitizing surfaces or ensuring that shared linens, towels, and clothing are thoroughly cleaned before use will help prevent spread. At places like a gym, public restroom, sauna, spa, or salon, make sure surfaces are wiped down and tools have been appropriately cleaned before receiving treatments. Also, avoid using towels or robes that others may have handled without proper sanitation before receiving treatments. 

Takeaway: Sanitation is essential to prevent pubic lice from spreading in public spaces. Always use clean towels, bedding, and personal items and avoid contact with non-sanitized surfaces. If you feel uncertain, don't hesitate to ask for freshly laundered bedding at places such as hotels or rentals.

Related Resource: About Pubic "Crab" Lice - CDC


Pubic Lice Vs Head Lice


The Cycle Of Lice